Thanks again to all the school participating in the Question of the Week. This week's question is...
In which book does a character have to keep his hat covered in human blood to survive?
Remember to include in your answer:
In which book does a character have to keep his hat covered in human blood to survive?
Remember to include in your answer:
- The title of the book
- the author of the book
- the name of your school
11 Delicious Comments:
by William Ritter
The Fulton School
Mrs. R from Hazelwood North Middle, (luck #7 school in the AWBB this year) answers--Jackaby by William Ritter.
Oakville Middle Says:
Jackaby by William Ritter
by: William Ritter
Hazelwood Northwest Middle School
Jackaby by William Ritter
Ladue Middle School
(Not Laude) :-)
Jackaby by William Ritter
Hazelwood CENTRAL Middle School
Jackaby by William Ritter
Jacakby by William Ritter
Cross Keys Middle School
Jackaby by William Ritter
Submitted by St. Gabriel the Archangel
Jackaby by William Ritter
Brittany Woods Middle School
Yael Portman
Jackaby by William Ritter
Rockwood South Middle School
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