Welcome to the last Question of the Week for this year's Area Wide Book Battle.
This week's question is similar to the bonus round questions.
This week's question is...
In the Absolute Value of Mike, Moo has a nickname for Glady's boyfriend. What is it?
Remember to include in your answer the name of your school. One answer per school please.
This week's question is similar to the bonus round questions.
This week's question is...
In the Absolute Value of Mike, Moo has a nickname for Glady's boyfriend. What is it?
Remember to include in your answer the name of your school. One answer per school please.
12 Delicious Comments:
Rockwood South Middle School
Hazelwood West Middle
numnut by Cross Keys Middle
Oakville Middle Says:
Num Nuts
Thanks for all the great questions.
Wentzville Middle School: Numnut
Numnut Pattonville Heights Middle School
Numnut Pattonville Heights Middle School
Pattonville Heights Middle School
Hazelwood Northwest Middle School says his nickname is Numnut. Thank you and see you on the
Hazelwood North Middle, school number 4, answers--Numnut.
Bernard Middle School
The Hixson AWBB Team says that the answer is:
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