Question of the Week#6

Monday, February 27, 2012

Welcome back for another Question of the Week! This week's question is...

In which book does the protagonist's mother babysit a boy with yellow snot in his nose?

Remember to include in your answer the title and author of the book as it appears on the official book list, and the name of your school. Also please only submit one answer per school.

And the Answer Is... #5

Friday, February 24, 2012

TGIF everyone. Hope the weather changes back to warm and sunny for all to enjoy. If not then certainly sitting inside curled up with one of the books on this year's list is a great alternative.

This week's question was...

In which  book does the protagonist move to Richland, Washington? 

And the Answer Is...

Dead Boys by Royce Buckingham

While this was stumped a few, congratulations to everyone who correctly answered it.

Ladue Middle
Oakville Middle
Hazelwood Central Middle
Valley Park Middle
Northwest Middle
Hazelwood North Middle
Hixson Middle
Washington Middle
Cross Keys Middle
Bernard Middle
Hillsboro Junior High
Hazelwood North Middle

See you next week for another Featured Question of the Week!

Question of the Week# 5

Monday, February 20, 2012

Welcome to week five of the Question of the Week. Hope everyone is enjoying your three day weekend; I know I am. But Monday's are for the Question of the Week and here is this week's question...

In which  book does the protagonist move to Richland, Washington?

As always don't forget to provide in you answer, the correct title and author's name and the name of your school. Good luck to everyone.

And the Answer Is...#4

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I apologize for not posting this yesterday. I have been quite under the weather and spent the last couple of days in bed. But I am feeling better and ready to congratulate everyone who correctly anwered this week's Question of the Week, which was...

In which book do the characters eat a lot of meals consisting of firecakes?

And the answer is...

Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson

and here are all the schools who correctly answered this week's question...

Hazelwood North Middle
Hazelwood Northwest Middle
Washington Middle
Rockwood South Middle
Cross Keys Middle
Oakville Middle
Hillsboro Junior High
Bernard Middle
Hixson Middle
Hoech Middle
Hazelwood Central Middle
Ladue Middle
Valley Park Middle
Pattonville Heights Middle

Congratulations to everyone who participated and correctly identified this week's question. Hope to see everyone on Monday for another Question of the Week.

Question of the Week #4

Monday, February 13, 2012

If it's Monday then it's time for another Question of the Week. I am very excited about how many schools are participating in this weekly feature. Can't wait to meet and greet each and everyone of you this May.

This week's question is...

In which book do the characters eat a lot of meals consisting of firecakes?

Don't forget to include in your answer the title and author of the book and the name of your school. Comments will not be shown until Friday morning.  Good luck!

And the Answer Is...#3

Friday, February 10, 2012

Welcome back for the answer of this week's question, and all the great schools who are strutting their book smarts.

This week's question was...

In which book does the protagonist forge her father's signature to get out of school?

and the answer is...

Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John

and here are all the schools who answered this week's question correctly...

Hazelwood North Middle
Cross Keys Middle
Danby Rush Tower Middle
Rockwood South Middle
Bernard Middle
Washington Middle
Remington Traditional
Oakville Middle
Hazelwood Northwest Middle
Hixson Middle
Hillsboro Junior High
Valley Park Middle
Ladue Middle
Hazelwood Central Middle
Pattonville Heights Middle

Wow! great job everyone! 
Congratulations to everyone who correctly answered this week's question, and don't forget that this year the Area Wide Book Battle is proud to bring Antony John the author of Five Flavors of Dumb for you to meet and greet!

Question of the Week #3

Monday, February 6, 2012

If it's Monday it must be time for another Question of the Week.

Here is this week's question...

In which book does the protagonist forge her father's signature to get out of school?

Don't forget to include with your answer the title of the book, the author and your participating school.  Also please only submit one answer per school. 

Your response will not appear until Friday.

And the Answers Is....#2

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Friday! Another great week for participation in the Question of the Week.

This week's question was...

In which book does a character's broken leg swell up so much that his boot must be cut off?

and the answer is...

Chasing Lincoln's Killer by James Swanson

Here are all the schools who correctly posted the answer for this week's question.

Hixson Middle School
Hazelwood Central Middle School
Ladue Middles School
Remington Traditional
Hillsboro Junior High
Cross Keys Middle School
Washington Middle School
Hazelwood Northwest Middle School
Oakville Middle School
Maplewood Richmond Heights Middle School
Hazelwood North Middle School
Hoech Middle School

Thanks to all the schools who participated this week. Make sure you check back Monday for another question of the week, and congratulations to everyone who successfully answered the question.

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