The Kid Who Nearly Jump to His Death and Landed in California a novel by Mary Hershey.
Everyone who participated this week had the correct answer. Congratulations to these winners:
Bernard Middle School
Senn-Thomas Middle School
Ladue Middle School
Hollenbeck Middle School
Danby-Rush Tower Middle School
Northwest Middle School
Hixson Middle School (AWBB Team)
Northwest Valley Middle School (NWV Book Battlers)
Northwest Valley Middle School (NWV Book Battlers)
Also to
OMS Book Battle (?)
If you click on the comments in the previous post you will see what I see when I check your comments. I keep these hidden so other participants cannot see what previous schools have written.
Make sure if you are using a team name that you also identify the school you are affiliated with.
Also if you click on the Followers button in the right hand margin you can post a school icon. This will automatically show up on your posts if you sign in.
Also if you click on the Followers button in the right hand margin you can post a school icon. This will automatically show up on your posts if you sign in.
Thanks for participating. Come back again next Monday and show your stuff.
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