And the Answer is...#10

Friday, March 30, 2012

Wow talk about time flying! I cannot believe that it is Friday already, and of course, Friday means it is time to see all the schools who answered this week's Feature Question of the Week.

This week's question was...

In which book does the protagonist relieve another character for her dinner break?

And the Answer is... 

The Shifter by Janice Hardy 

And here are all the schools who correctly answered this week's question

Washington Middle
Southeast Middle
Bernard Middle
Hillsboro Junior High
Hazelwood Northwest Middle
Oakville Middle
Rockwood South Middle
Cross Keys Middle
Hazelwood North Middle
Hazelwood Central Middle
Hixson Middle
Ladue Middle

Congratulations to everyone who answered the Feature Question of the Week correctly. See you Monday for another question.

Question of the Week #10

Monday, March 26, 2012

Well, spring break is over for many of us, and we are only a little over a month away from this year's book battle. As you continue to prepare here is another question of the week...

In which book does the protagonist relieve another character for her dinner break?

Remember to include in your answer the title and author of the book and the name of your school.

And the Answer Is...#9

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Well, I did it again. totally forgot about the blog. 

This week's question was...

In which book does an eighth grader challenge a seventh grader to an ice cream eating contest?

And the answer is...

Priscilla the Great by Sybil Nelson

Here is a list of all the schools who correctly answered this weeks question. 

Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary
Hazelwood Northwest Middle
Hixson Middle
Hazelwood North
Washington Middle
Oakville Middle
Cross Keys Middle

Congratulations to all the schools who answered this week's question. I will be back to school on Monday and promise to be on time with the next Question of the Week.

Question of the Week # 9

Monday, March 19, 2012

Color me Spring Break Off! I totally blanked on the fact that today was Monday and time again for a Question of the Week. What can I say except  here is this week's question...

In which book does an eighth grader challenge a seventh grader to an ice cream eating contest?

Don't forget to include in your answer the title and author of the book and the name of your school.

Hopefully, I will not forget on Friday to give your the answer of the week. 

And the Answer Is...#8

Friday, March 16, 2012

This week's question was...

In which book is the motto of a company "Think Square"? 

And the answer is...

The Potato Chip Puzzles by Eric Berlin

Here are the schools who correctly answered this weeks question

Hixson Middle
Hazelwood Northwest Middle
Ladue Middle
Hazelwood Central Middle
Hillsboro Junior High
Bernard Middle
Washington Middle
Oakville Middle
Danby Rush Tower Middle
Hazelwood North Middle
Rockwood South Middle

Congratulations to everyone. And keep reading; less than two month before this year's competition

Question of the Week #8

Monday, March 12, 2012

Good Morning Book Battlers. Happy Day Light Saving. Are you ready for another Question of the Week?

This week's question is...

In which book is the motto of a company "Think Square"?

As always make sure you include in your comments the title of the book, the author's name and your school name. You can also email your answers to

Check back Friday for the Answer of the Week.

And the Answer is #7

Friday, March 9, 2012

This week's question was...

In which book does a character say, "Believe me, beauty fades"?

and the answer is...

Jane in Bloom by Deborah Lytton

And here's the list of the schools correctly identifying this week's title and author

Hazelwood North Middle
Hillsboro Junior High
Rockwood South
Cross Keys Middle
Hazelwood Northwest Middle
Hixson Middle

Question of the Week#7

Monday, March 5, 2012

Can you believe it March is roaring in which means only two months left before Book Battle. Hope everyone is enjoying the books and getting excited to meet the authors and compete.

This week's Question of the Week is...

In which book does a character say, "Believe me, beauty fades"?

Don't forget to post both the title of the book and the author along with the name of your school.

And the Answer Is...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sorry for the late posting but I was slowed up by the early morning storms and have just now gotten around to this.

Last week's question was...

In which book does the protagonist's mother babysit a boy with yellow snot in his nose?

And the answer is...

Invisible Lines by Mary Amato

and here are all the schools who correctly answered question # 5

Bernard Middle
Hazelwood West Middle
Rockwood South Middle
Hazelwood Northwest Middle
Oakville Middle
Washington Middle
Cross Keys Middle
Hazelwood North Middle
Hazelwood Central Middle
Ladue Middle
Valley Park Middle
Hixson Middle

Thanks to all the schools who participated in this week's Question of the Week. 
Design by Use Your Imagination Designs All images from the Keeper Of Time kit by Studio Gypsy